Adylic Harnesses Ambee’s Pollen Powers to Reach Allergy Sufferers at the Right Time

May 19, 2024
2 min read
Ambee Adylic CasestudyAmbee Adylic Casestudy

Pollen, by all means, is a force to be reckoned with. While invisible to the naked eye, its impact on people’s daily lives is not to be underestimated. Around 19% of the entire Australian population is affected by allergic rhinitis (more commonly known as hay fever) caused by the spread of pollen grains. Tackling it has become one of the significant public health challenges in countries like Australia and New Zealand. The level of impact created merely by pollen on millions of people has led to a massive demand for allergy care products and medications. 

Adylic is a leading global adtech company that provides businesses with global dynamic creative optimization (DCO) solutions. They use data science techniques to optimize marketing and advertising campaigns to extract differentiated creative insights from ad performance data. They wanted to create campaigns for their client—a pharmaceutical major specializing in medicines for seasonal allergies and hay fever. The campaign utilized hyperlocal historical pollen data to display their dynamic advertisements according to the local pollen count in eastern Australia. 

For this, they utilized Ambee’s best-in-class pollen API. The overall campaign helped them personalize their ads according to their target audience and simultaneously helped them generate profit.

Read this case study to learn how Ambee’s pollen data helped Adylic's client win the season against their major competitors. 

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