Enhancing Patient Care By Integrating Air Quality Data Into Digital Health Systems

Discover how integrating air quality data into digital health systems enhances patient care. Read our whitepaper for insights on leveraging Air Quality Data for better healthcare outcomes.
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Air pollution is one of the biggest risk factors globally, with 9 out of 10 people worldwide exposed to levels of air pollutants that exceed the World Health Organization's safe levels.

Given the health implications of poor AQ, addressing air pollution through comprehensive data measurements becomes imperative for healthcare companies. They can achieve this by integrating air quality (AQ) data into their digital healthcare systems.

Accurate and actionable air quality data can help companies significantly improve their healthcare systems. Some of the ways they can implement AQ data are:

  • Chronic asthma management
  • Personalized Physical and Mental Healthcare
  • Targeted Advertisements
  • New Innovations

Download the whitepaper to learn how digital healthcare companies can utilize AQ data to improve their patient experience and business outcomes.